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The principal parameters of the stamping cross scaffolds couplers


All the types of scaffolds couplers will be applicable in the construction projects and their common diameter is 48mm, can be used for fastening the joints and crossing points of the steel tubes used in the scaffolds, the well frame and the formwork supporting, which in all can facilitate the construction of the water resources facilities, the chemicals, the metallurgy, the mining and the construction of the rail way track.

The principal parameters of the stamping cross scaffolds couplers are listed as follows:

1. In accordance with the <the Malleable Iron Castings> GB944-88, the mechanical property of the construction scaffold couplers shall not be above the regulations of the KTH330-8 malleable iron;

2. The inspection of the couplers shall be in accordance with the regular sampling check for the second time stipulated in the <the procedures of inspection group by group and counting and sampling and the chart of the sampling check forms>;

3. All the parts of the scaffolds couplers shall be able to work flexibly and the gap between the rotary interfaces of the rotary couplers shall be less than 1mm;

4. When fastening the steel tubes, the distance between the open shall be less than 5mm.