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Scaffold structures that normally require bespoke design


Scaffold structures that normally require bespoke design
 all shoring scaffolds (dead, raking, flying)
cantilevered scaffolds 1
truss-out Scaffolds
façade retention
access scaffolds with more than the 2 working lifts2
buttressed free-standing scaffolds
temporary roofs and temporary buildings
support scaffolds
complex loading bays 1
mobile and static towers 1
free standing scaffolds 1
temporary ramps and elevated roadways
staircases and fire escapes (unless covered by manufacturers instructions)
spectator terraces and seating stands
bridge scaffolds 1
towers requiring guys or ground anchors
offshore scaffolds
pedestrian footbridges or walkways
slung and suspended scaffolds
protection fans 1
pavement gantries
marine scaffolds
boiler scaffolds
power line crossings
lifting gantries and towers
steeple scaffolds
radial / splayed scaffolds on contoured facades
system scaffolds outside manufacturers guidance
sign board supports  
sealing end structures (such as temporary screens)
temporary storage on site
masts, lighting towers and transmission towers
sdvertising hoardings/banners
rubbish chute
any scaffold structure not mentioned above that falls outside the ‘compliant scaffold’ criteria in TG20 or similar guidance from manufacturers of system scaffolds.  
The above list is not exhaustive and any scaffold that is not a standard configuration or does not comply with published manufacturers’ guidelines will require a specific design produced by a competent person.